24th April: Uttlesford District Council Update

Please see the following update from Uttlesford District Council regarding service availability:

UDC has:

  • Reinstated and promoted the return of the bulky waste collections and online booking process:

  • Put together a resource page of information for self-employed people:

  • From resources supplied by Essex County Council, signposted and built a section for bereavement support and local contacts specifically targeted at resources in the West Essex CC area (covering Uttlesford):

  • Put together and promoted a page for Essex Youth Service to promote their daily ‘Zoom’ activities for young people in lockdown:

  • Added a page on grants information for charities and other sectors:

  • Compiled a resource area of links, maps and information promoting local walking and cycling in Uttlesford during the outbreak:

  • Put up an online version of ‘Taxi Chat’ to provide up to date and topical information for the local taxi and private hire trades:

Community hub

See email and infographic attached.


Support for businesses

As of 24 April, we have given out £14.1m in cash grants to 1,150 local businesses. There are currently about 470 grants to process.

However, about 300 businesses spread across the district which are eligible to receive a business support grant have not yet registered. We are therefore urging all businesses to check the eligibility criteria and to register for the grant funding. Our team is keen to process all the submitted forms as quickly as possible. Details of the grants and the criteria can be found at The online application form is available at

It would be appreciated if you could help to spread the details of the grant funding schemes as widely as possible within your parish. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact ku.vog.drofselttuobfsctd-824e4c@ssenisub.


State of Life survey

We have been asked to share the details of a tracker survey being conducted by Active Essex and the University of Essex. The survey aims to find out how life has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic, who is most affected and why. The results will be compared to other national surveys and used to figure out what support is needed in communities during and after lockdown. The project organisers would like as many people as possible, over the age of 16, to sign up and complete it regularly.

The survey can be accessed here:

23rd April: Temporary Closure of Bartholomew Green Lane, Felsted

Please see the following message regarding a 5 day closure of Bartholomew Green Lane, through Bartholomew Green.


Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Bartholomew Green Lane, Felsted

Please click on the following link to find details of the intended closure of Bartholomew Green Lane, due to commence on 27th April 2020 for 5 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while County Broadband LTD undertakes Installation of fibre optic cables in the area for fibre optic broadband.


15th April: Volunteer update

Dear Volunteers,

Just a brief note on behalf of all the members of Felsted Parish Council to thank all who have volunteered for the Felsted Support Line.

The response from the community has been tremendous. We now have over 50 volunteers, including whole families who have offered support to those who are elderly or have had to self-isolate.  We are very pleased to say that demand for help has so far been easily manageable. Consequently, we may not yet have had to call on you personally:  we hope we never have to.  However, knowing that you are all out there, ready and willing reassures the Parish Council that we are ready and able to help meet any challenge and to support the most vulnerable in our community in the very difficult days ahead.

Thank you again.

Graham Harvey
Chairman, Felsted Parish Council


12th April: Essex Welfare Services update

Essex County Council has established the Essex Welfare Services as part of PROVIDE (a health and social care service). EWS has been set up to assist the most vulnerable in the community to allow them to access shopping, medicine and other support.

This week and going forwards, GP surgeries will be calling, sending out SMS text messages or posting letters to those who are 70 or older or are offered a flu jab due to pre-existing medical conditions. This is because these people are identified as being vulnerable and having to self-isolate for prolonged periods of time and therefore potentially require additional support.

You may potentially receive a call from the National Shielding Helpline on 0333 3050466 – this is NOT a scam. However, the phoneline is not live and you may receive a message saying they will try again soon.

When they call back, the caller may ask for some details such as your name and NHS number to confirm they are speaking to someone who is deemed as vulnerable, but they will never ask you for details such as you National Insurance Number or bank details.

There are concerns that this service has not been widely publicised and therefore people are leaving reviews on trust sites saying that this is a scam due to the caller asking whether the person is vulnerable or not. It is important that this misinformation is not spread as it could lead to vulnerable individuals missing out on essential support.

For more information, or to refer someone to EWS, please click here.

If you or someone you know is vulnerable and has been a victim of fraud, please call Essex Police on 101.

Report fraud or attempted fraud by contacting Action Fraud at or call 0300 123 2040.

Stay safe,

Angi Greneski

Community Safety Officer

Uttlesford District Council


Future Felsted Parish Council meetings

Please note that, due to the Coronavirus situation, future meetings will, until further notice, be held virtually, either by telephone conference call or video conferencing.

Any members of the public who wish to ‘attend’ either Committee Meetings or full Council meetings should contact the Assistant Clerk at least 24 hours before the meeting start time to obtain an access code and joining instructions.


3rd April: Felsted Support Group

As we approach the end of the second week of the lockdown, we just want to update you briefly on the success of the Felsted Support Group, established specifically to help with the corona virus crisis.

From our first call for volunteers we have been delighted but not surprised by the response. Over thirty local people have come forward and offered to help the elderly and those in self isolation with their shopping and collecting prescriptions.  Small but important acts of kindness.

We also don’t underestimate the importance of  those who are quietly doing their bit to help their friends and neighbours. We salute you all.

We have volunteers who have offered their entire family as helpers and others who are qualified counsellors willing to just have a chat with anyone who needs a friendly voice through these difficult times.  Several members of Felsted School teaching staff, including the Head, are volunteering and the school has provided access to its mini buses with a driver, also a Felsted resident.  So we can offer local transport and maintain social-distancing.

It’s early days and things will get tougher but we are confident that our community spirit is way stronger than the disease.

If you need help or you know of a neighbour who may need help, please call us on 07936 070732.

The Felsted Support Group helpline is operated by Felsted Parish Council for the people of Felsted.

2nd April: Linsell’s of Felsted FREE Delivery service

Please see the following announcement from Linsell’s.

Please also note that Linsell’s is a valuable local resource and lifeline to many. The shop is operating a carefully thought out 2 queue system for the shop and Post Office. it will inevitable lead to  delays getting into the shop, but the precautions are there to protect you and the staff. Please follow the instructions given to you with grace and patience whilst Richard and his team do all they can to support our community.


During the Coronavirus Outbreak we will be working with Felsted Parish Council to provide a FREE delivery service of food and essential items to any person in self isolation in the Parish of Felsted. Telephone Linsell’s on 01371 820255.

We can accept card payment over the phone.

Non-essential items, such as newspapers cannot be delivered on their own, but we will be working with the Council to identify volunteers local to you, who may be able to help with this. If you would like to volunteer to help people in isolation please contact the Parish Council Coronavirus Help Line on 07936 070732 or if you think you have a neighbour who is vulnerable, pop a note through their door.

We at Linsell’s are not immune to the virus and some of us are in the vulnerable category, so we will need to isolate ourselves. However, we are committed to keeping the Shop and Post Office open during this time, for as long as we can. To help us achieve this, please do not come into the shop if you are exhibiting cold or flu symptoms.

Take care of yourselves and those around you!

 Best wishes from all of us at Linsell’s.


1st April: Felsted Dispensary Opening Hours

With immediate effect and, until further notice, the Dispensary at Felsted Surgery will operate the following hours:

Mon / Tues / Fri: 9am-12pm & 4pm-6pm

Wed / Thurs: 9am-12pm


March 31st: Felsted Post Office Opening hours

Please see the following message from Richard Silcock regarding the opening hours for the Post Office.


To all the good people of Felsted, I would like to say a big thank you for your support and understanding over the last couple of weeks. It’s been really difficult for all of us but we’re all gradually getting used to living 2 metres apart!

As you may be aware, Dunmow and Takeley Post Offices have closed and Rayne Post Office is closed in the afternoons. This has put considerable pressure on our Post Office, which in turn has made it very difficult for our customers to use the shop. To help alleviate this, from tomorrow April 1st (no; it’s not a wind up) the new Post Office trading hours will be:

Monday to Friday: 1-00pm to 5-30pm

Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

This will allow our customers better access to the shop in the mornings and at weekends.

As I type this, Gt Waltham, Gt Leighs, Thaxted and Rayne Post Offices are open in the mornings but this may change at short notice.

With best wishes



March 30th: Uttlesford District Council email bulletin

This is a regular email bulletin aimed at keeping you up-to-date with how Uttlesford District Council and the district is responding to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

You can find details of changes to council services on our website – see or click on the link below. On this page you’ll also find links to other trusted sources and guidance.

Get council service updates

Help for residents and businesses

► Uttlesford Community Response helpline – we have set up a community helpline to direct you to services that can help during the coronavirus pandemic

► Council Tax and benefits – helpful information that may help you to claim support for paying your council tax or rent

► Guidance for businesses and employers – a wide range of resources to support businesses in response to the current situation

Community Shield – getting food and supplies to our most vulnerable

People across Essex are doing an amazing job supporting their family, friends and neighbours who at the most risk from coronavirus because they are older, vulnerable and have health conditions.

Public services across Essex are stepping up support for people who may not have help like this.

You can find out more here.

Bogus Lifeline equipment scam

Lifeline is a personal alarm service available to older or more vulnerable people who want to stay in their own homes.

We’ve had reports of elderly residents being contacted by individuals claiming to be a representative of the council checking Lifeline equipment. Please be advised that, due to the coronavirus situation, no one from the council’s Lifeline service is currently making any visits to check equipment, even if a prior appointment has been made.

Steps you can take to protect yourself against bogus callers

How to get in touch with us

Whilst the council offices are closed to visitors, our service hours remain unchanged.

There are a number of ways in which you can access services or get in touch with us:


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