In February 2020 following five years of hard work by the Steering Group the Felsted Neighbourhood Plan was formally adopted. This Neighbourhood Plan has been an important policy document which has brought about many benefits for Felsted.
- It is a material consideration in planning decisions made by Uttlesford District Council and the Planning Inspectorate
- It has prevented unwanted development within Felsted
- It has secured a new Community Health Centre (to be owned by the Felsted Community Trust) which is currently being developed by Mulberry Homes in Station Road
- A much-needed, safe and secure car park for Felsted Primary School is being planned as a result of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Neighbourhood Plans that are older than 2 years carry reduced weight during planning considerations so Felsted is refreshing its plan to secure further protection for the parish.
In 2024, a Review Group has been established and is meeting regularly to undertake this task.
The Strategy Document can be read here.
Drop In Sessions
The Neighbourhood Plan Review Group held drop in sessions on the 15th & 16th March. Find out more about these sessions here.
Housing Needs Survey
RCCE (Rural Community Council of Essex) is an independent charity helping people and communities throughout rural Essex build a sustainable future.
In April 2024 they worked with Felsted to produce a Housing Needs Survey which can be read here.
In line with the guidance provided by Locality, the Planning Committee of the Felsted Parish Council has continually monitored the effectiveness of the Felsted Neighbourhood Plan.
The Monitoring Report can be read here.
Review Group Meeting Agendas
Review Group Meeting Minutes