Felsted United Charities

Felsted United Charities is a charitable organisation set up many years ago.

The charitable objectives of the Trust are for “the benefit of persons resident in the Parish of Felsted and who are over sixty years of age, OR who are suffering from any illness disability or disablement or otherwise in special need”.

Applications can be made to the Treasurer at any time of the year if such a need arises and each case is dealt with on an individual basis and in confidence.

The Trustees can consider a variety of needs such as heating costs, transport costs to hospitals out of the area, financial assistance for the replacement of necessary electrical goods, etc.

Should you wish to apply, please write to:  The Treasurer, Felsted United Charities, Larkins, Bannister Green, Felsted, Dunmow, CM6 3NQ.


Felsted Neighbourhood Plan approved

We are delighted to say that after over 5 years of work and some dispiriting setbacks, our Felsted Neighbourhood Plan finally passed the Referendum yesterday.

We have a Neighbourhood Plan!

The turnout for the vote for the plan was 754, or over 31% of the electorate. Of those that voted, 687 voted in favour of the Plan and 65 voted against (2 papers were spoilt). Over 91% of those that voted were in favour of the plan. We are really pleased that the result was so clear.

From now on, the Felsted NP will be a ‘material consideration’ for the Uttlesford District Council Planning Committee and for any Planning Appeals Inspector considering any planning application in Felsted.

The Parish Council, who have supported the Plan throughout, will now have its position strengthened.

We all owe a great debt of thanks to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

They have devoted thousands of hours of their time and have worked tirelessly for many years to bring this Plan to fruition for the benefit of our Community.

If you don’t know them, they are:

Roy Ramm (Chair)

Richard Freeman (Vice Chair)

Richard Silcock (Treasurer)

Diane Smith (Secretary)

Bill Miler

Margaret Attwood

John Moore

Nicholas Hinde

Dr Hywel Jones 

A simple thank you to you all on behalf of the Parish Council and the people of Felsted.

VOTE TODAY: Felsted Neighbourhood Plan

Today is the day to cast your vote on the Felsted Neighbourhood Plan.  

Please vote at the Memorial Hall or Crix Mission between 7am and 10pm.




Felsted Neighbourhood Plan referendum vote

It’s time to have your say and vote on the Felsted Neighbourhood Plan on 30th January.

With the Uttlesford Local Plan ruled unsound by the Inspectors, it is vital that we have our local voices heard when decisions are made regarding new house building in our Parish.

The Neighbourhood Planning process is designed to get local voices heard when making planning decisions and, in the process, delivering community facilities.

You can read the full Plan information leaflet  here.

The Referendum will take place at the Felsted Memorial Hall, Braintree Road, and at the Crix Green Mission Hall between 7am and 10pm on Thursday 30th January 2020

If you have registered ONLY for a postal vote in General Elections, you WILL NOT receive a postal Referendum ballot.  If you have registered for a Postal Vote in General AND Local elections, YOU WILL receive a postal ballot. 

For more information about the Felsted Neighbourhood Plan, please visit:

For more information about the Referendum, please visit


Stansted airport expansion plans

The application to further expand Stansted airport is currently being heard by Uttlesford District Council Planning Committee.

Day 1 of the hearing was yesterday, 17th January, where Parish Councils and members of the public were given opportunities to speak. The second and final day will be on Friday 24th January at the Council offices in Saffron Walden. This second day encompass presentations by Stop Stansted Expansion and the airport itself.

Following a debate by Committee members, it will end with a vote. Full details here. The meeting is open to members of the public.

Cllr Andy Bennett represented Felsted Parish yesterday, making the following statement:

Good morning I am Andy Bennett, Chair of Felsted Parish Council Planning Committee.

We are objecting to this application.

Today you are invited to consider if there have been any new material considerations or changes in circumstances.

I propose that there most certainly have been and will cover 4 of the most important ones.

Firstly, under numbers of flights

The application stated that there would be no increase in flights, as allowed by the current planning approval for 274,000 flights a year. 

Whilst technically true, it is morally corrupt.

Stansted airport itself projects that fewer than 227,000 flights would be needed for the current limit of 35 million passengers and cargo.

If you approve this new single passenger and cargo total of 274,000 flights, you will release a true increase of 47,000 flights a year.

Correspondence suggests that even Cllr Alan Mills, the previous Chair of the Planning committee, who provided 2 of the votes to approve the original application, perhaps did not see that approval would lead to a real life increase in flights.

When combined with MAG trimming off a year from the forecast numbers to keep the application away from central government, this sleight of hand is a scandal and should cause you to consider it a material consideration.

Secondly, Under Aircraft noise

The application relied on a forecast reduction in noise contours and the promise of 50% quieter aircraft.

The Cole Jarman noise report first assumed 80% of planes would be new quieter aircraft, later they reduced this to 50% as a claimed typo.

With Boeing’s order book suggesting a sub 30% level, even this 50% was clearly beyond possibility.

More importantly, they also assumed the use of quieter B737 MAX aircraft, the entire fleet of which is now grounded indefinitely.  

Whilst the airport takes the only defensive position it can, claiming that this has all been scheduled into the noise forecasts, their noise reduction forecasts are now implausible and a material change in circumstances.

Thirdly, regarding environmental considerations

In August 2019 UDC declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency and committed to make the authority carbon neutral by 2030.

MAG’s own figures project that, with this application, CO2 emissions (excluding road traffic impacts) would increase, from 1.56 million tonnes in the Base Year, by an additional million tonnes a year in 2028.

You cannot simply pick and choose which bits of carbon dioxide you are going to count. Buying a few electric vehicles for the Council, whilst approving the release of a million tonnes a year of Co2 into the air around Stansted, is missing the point entirely.

In making his casting vote to pass the original application, the Chair of Planning summed up that he was doing so in support of the next generation.

If the Extinction Rebellion movement and the one girl crusade which is Greta Thunberg, are telling us anything, it is that the youth of today don’t want cheap flights to Spain, they want breathable air and a world with a future in which to raise their children.

In approving this application in the name of the youth of today, I have a feeling Greta Thunberg may well respond with ‘how… dare… you…’

This must be considered a change in circumstances.


Fourthly, you want to build 3000 new houses as part of the WoB development. At the Inspector’s review of UDC’s Plan, Alistair Andrew, MAG’s Head of Planning, in responding to a point I made regarding emerging Government guidance concerning planes not overflying densely populated areas at under 7000 feet, stated that he agreed the area designated for WoB was impacted by runway 04 flights and that in his opinion all houses should be marketed as being under a flightpath.

Adding in the new WHO guidance, calling for a dramatic reduction in acceptable noise levels for communities, and you can’t have it both ways. Even if it survives the Local Plan process, you can’t build houses in the WoB area, under the flightpath, and still approve this application, releasing 47,000 flights.

This emerging government and WHO guidance must be considered a new material consideration. 


In summary

I have demonstrated that there are at least 4 new material considerations and changes in circumstances:

No-one denies that Stansted is an important local resource, but MAG needs to respect and to respond to the concerns from the communities their business impacts, and currently they do not.

Against falling passenger numbers, this application is being rushed through in advance of the introduction of new noise regulations which would govern it, just like the 2016 flightpath change, forced through 12 months before tighter regulations on changes to flightpaths were introduced.

This is wrong.

I urge you to do what the failed and rejected previous Conservative administration did not, listen to your community, do what is right, and reject this application.

Thank you

VACANCY: Part Time Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)

Are you passionate about finance?    Looking for a fresh challenge?

Felsted Parish Council is seeking an enthusiastic and self-motivated individual to join the team as RFO. FPC is a very active local council, it has eleven elected Councillors and provides a range of services including playgrounds, allotments and a Nature Area. The main purpose of the role will be administering the Council’s financial affairs in accordance with proper practices.

The responsibilities of the role include:

  • Maintenance of the Council’s accounts including input of data, trial balances and year end final accounts, in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.
  • Liaising with the internal auditor and submission of the Council’s Annual Return to the external auditors.
  • Maintenance of the Council’s Asset Register, Financial Risk Management Assessment, Financial Regulations, Bank Reconciliations, PAYE records, Schedule of Donations and other financial documents.
  • Preparation of payments schedule and cheques for monthly PC meetings.
  • Preparation of agendas, detailed reports and budget documents for Finance Committee meetings. Attendance at the meetings and the production of Minutes and implementation of recommendations and resolutions.
  • Occasional attendance at Full Council meetings to report on financial matters.
  • Collection of allotment rents and chasing of debtors.
  • Accurate record keeping and administration.

Successful candidates should be able to demonstrate:

  • Proven accounting skills (knowledge of Quickbooks accounts package would be an advantage but is not essential).
  • Administrative and IT skills (particularly Word and Excel).
  • Highly effective interpersonal skills.
  • Experience of budget, payroll and GDPR.
  • A flexible approach to hours of work and day to day duties and responsibilities.
  • Experience of Local Government or similar environment (this would be an advantage but is not essential).

The role is for 5 hours a week (average) and will be based in the Parish Council Office at the URC Hall in Felsted. Please note that workload can fluctuate during the year, peaking at year end from March to May. Some home working is expected as is attendance at a minimum of 8 evening meetings per annum. Salary will be based on the National Scale according to experience.

Closing date for applications is Tuesday 31 January 2020.

FRO Application form

RFO vacancy – Application Guidance notes

GDPR recruitment policy

Diane Smith (Parish Clerk), URC Hall, Stebbing Road, Felsted, Gt Dunmow, Essex CM6 3JD Telephone: 01371 823071    E-mail: ku.vog.cp-detslefobfsctd-806f92@krelc


Christmas tree recycling

Uttlesford District Council is providing skips and refuse vehicles at locations around the
district – simply take along your Christmas tree, and other green waste, for disposal. The
recycled trees can be turned into good quality compost or soil conditioner, or into chippings.

Collection for Felsted will be on Saturday 11 January 11.30- to 12.30pm at Bannister Green.

Stebbing High Street – road closure to buses and alternative arrangements

The following has been received from Essex CC Transport:

Stebbing High Street will be closed from 6th January 2020 to buses for approx. 6 months, or until the works are completed, due to restructuring of the culvert.

We have been putting in place alternative arrangements whilst the bridge within Stebbing is closed to ensure that passengers are still able to access services.

Passengers travelling from Stebbing who wish to use the service 16, will need to make use of the shuttle services. Shuttles will operate on both sides of the village and take passengers to either Great Bardfield or Blake End to continue their journeys and connect with the service 16. Passengers wishing to return to Stebbing will need to ensure that they alight from the bus at either Great Bardfield or Blake End where a shuttle vehicle will be waiting for you to take you to your return destination.

Further details regarding the times of the shuttle can be found on Stephensons website –

The shuttle service will be run by Arrow Taxis who can be contacted on 01621 855111 should there be any problems with the shuttle.

We have also managed to arrange a school shuttle service for those families within the village who have been adversely affected by this closure. The school will be communicating the exact details and timings of this shuttle to the families affected and we ask that, if families are unsure if this affects them, for them to contact the school directly.


A referendum will take place on Thursday 30 January 2020 to decide on the question below:
“Do you want Uttlesford District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Felsted to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

Felsted Parish Council urges all residents to read the document, here. This document, if approved, will be used to help decide future development in the Parish and so it is important that all residents read, understand it and vote at the referendum.

Voting cards will be posted to all registered residents in January. Voting will be at the usual two polling stations:

•  Crix Green Mission Hall, Crix Green, Felsted CM6 3JT
•  Felsted Memorial Hall, Braintree Road, Felsted CM6 3DS

New postal vote applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes and amendments or cancellations of proxy votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER by 5pm on Tuesday 14 January 2020, call on 01799 510431 and they will help.

New applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER by 5pm on Wednesday 15 January 2020.

Applications to vote by proxy at this election applied for on grounds of physical incapacity or service, occupation or employment, where that physical incapacity or absence due to service, occupation or employment occurred after 5pm on Wednesday 15 January 2020 must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER by 5pm on Thursday 30 January 2020.

To apply on the grounds of service, occupation or employment, the person must have become aware that they could not go to the polling station in person after 5pm on Wednesday 15 January 2020.

Full schedule details can be read here, on the UDC website.

1 day road closure of Chelmsford Road 5th January

We have been advised of the following road closure order:


Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Chelmsford Road, Felsted

Please click on the following link to find details of the intended closure of Chelmsford Road, due to commence on 5th January 2020 for 1 day.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while Affinity Water undertakes new water connection.

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