The Chelmsford Local Plan preferred option consultation includes a plan for 750 houses adjacent to Willows Green. The consultation deadline is 11th May.

The area is identified by hatch marks in the below map, with Willows Green in the top left of the map, a single field away from the development.

The Parish Council is objecting to the proposal for the following core reasons:

  • The A131 bypass cuts this development away from Great Leighs and will leave it closer to being viewed a part of Willows Green.
  • This will  have a significant and unacceptable impact on this small hamlet, which currently has its own individual identity of low level bungalow dwellings.  750 houses will overshadow and dwarf Willows Green and, with only a single field separating them, Willows Green will soon become a suburb of the development.
  • The additional traffic will swamp Willows Green, and further into the Parish of Felsted, as people look for ‘rat-runs’ to the west.
  • The A131 is already at full capacity. The additional traffic from this development, and those proposed by Braintree and Uttlesford for 12,000 houses, are stated to require a new bypass north of Chelmsford. This is as yet unfunded. The development cannot be allowed without a full assessment of transport needs and demonstration that local hamlets will not be impacted.
  • This area is also high quality agricultural land. It should not be put forward for development without a clear assessment and publication of alternatives which would not destroy such a valuable environment.
  • The Moulsham Hall development would also be alongside, and in the shadow of, the Race Course. The Race Course has already been the subject of much local objection due to its obtrusive lighting. The lighting is still visible for miles around and, with planned expansion of the venue to include more live music and events, this does not sit well with the principles of a Garden Community environment for an adjacent housing development.

It is important that you have your say.

You can read the summary leaflet here.

You can have your say here.

The document is long, detailed and not easy to navigate. The Parish Council is going to submit comment under section 7, subsection: Growth Area 2 North Chelmsford. About half way down there is a box summarising ‘STRATEGIC GROWTH SITE 5 – MOULSHAM HALL AND NORTH OF GREAT LEIGHS.’

Even if you agree with the points being made by the Council, please do not simply copy the above bullet points. It is essential that points are made in your own words for them to be seen as your own.

Please also note that The consultation deadline is 11th May.

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