Early last year the Parish Council completed extended negotiations with Enodis (the developers of Flitch Green) and took ownership of the Open Space off of Station Road between Felsted and Flitch Green. The picture below shows the site  as we inherited it, a blank canvas.

Work is now ongoing to develop this space as a Nature Area. A Working Group made up of members of The Parish Council, local residents and wildlife experts is overseeing this long-term project.

Funds from Enodis are enabling the Council to create a varied habitat for wildlife and much progress has been made over the past few months. Rubbish and fly tipping have been cleared. The area along the front has been landscaped and sown with a wildflower mix, including Yellow Rattle, Ox Eye Daises, Cowslips and Primroses, together with other wildflowers. These produced a beautiful display in the Spring, with much of it still on show as we move into Autumn.

To facilitate dog walking two sets of dog waste bins have been installed, together with general rubbish bins. One set is by Station Road and one set is by Footpath 59.

FP 59 is being maintained on a monthly basis, as are paths mown throughout the Nature Area. In order to minimise disturbance to the Nature Area and protect the wildlife habitat, walkers are requested to stick to the mown paths.

The Working Group is being advised by Essex Wildlife Trust. Following recent Barn Owl sightings, members have also met with The Essex Barn Owl Conservation Project, with a view to purchasing and installing nesting boxes in the Autumn.

Notices are regularly posted at the Station Road entrance and around the Nature Area to update residents regarding ongoing work and developments. We welcome any comments residents may have regarding how we maintain the area in the future.



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