Christmas Tree Event – POSTPONED

Due to Met Office severe weather warnings of strong winds and heavy rain, Felsted Parish Council has made the difficult decision to postpone the Christmas Tree Lights Switch On Event scheduled for this Saturday 7th December. It will now take place on Tuesday 10th...

Healthcare Survey

Hertfordshire and West Essex NHS Integrated Care Board would like to hear from anyone aged 65 and over, regarding the care and treatment they have received from the NHS over the last 12 months.  The short survey closes on the 5th December (tomorrow) and it is...

The New Felsted Health Centre

Construction on the new £1.6m health centre development in Station Road is scheduled to start in the new year.  The building will be owned by the Felsted Community as it was donated as part of the original planning agreement. With seven consulting rooms and parking...

Affinity Water – Update

Following the public meeting last year Affinity Water will be providing at update at the next Parish Council meeting which is to be held on Wednesday 6th November 24 in the URC Hall, Stebbing Road commencing at 6.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to...

Neighbourhood Plan Update

Respecting our Heritage, Defining our Future (2025-2041) This first bulletin is a summary of the progress in the development of the Felsted Neighbourhood Plan which was originally made in 2020 and is now being reassessed by the Felsted Neighbourhood Plan Review group....

Essex Police Beat Surgeries

PCSO Natalie Smith will be hosting beat surgeries at The Wood Cottage Tearoom. These drop in sessions are an opportunity for residents to: • speak with the local community policing team about any concerns that they may have; • obtain crime prevention advice; • stop by...
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