Green Waste Collections

Felsted Parish Council will continue funding weekly Green Waste collections in 2025. The collections will take place on Bannister Green from 8.30-9.30 am every SUNDAY morning between 2 March and 30 November 2025 (inclusive).

Christmas Tree Collection with St Clare Hospice

Book a Hassle-Free Christmas Tree Collection with St Clare Hospice Christmas is fast approaching – and so is St Clare Hospice’s Christmas Tree Recycling service! For a suggested donation of £15, St Clare will collect and recycle your real Christmas tree between 9th...

Essex Police – Beat Surgery

PCSO Natalie Smith will be hosting a beat surgery at The Wood Cottage Tearoom on Thursday 6th  February  2025   11:00 am – midday This drop in session is an opportunity for residents to: speak with the local community policing team about any concerns that they...

Recycling and Waste Services

Please note that there are some important changes to the bin collection schedules in Uttlesford over the Christmas period. There will be no collections on Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Years’ Day. Your normal bin collection dates will be different during...

Grass Cutting Contract

Felsted Parish Council (FPC) is looking for a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to provide complete grounds maintenance for village areas, commencing on 1st March 2025. Please email...

Christmas Tree Event – POSTPONED

Due to Met Office severe weather warnings of strong winds and heavy rain, Felsted Parish Council has made the difficult decision to postpone the Christmas Tree Lights Switch On Event scheduled for this Saturday 7th December. It will now take place on Tuesday 10th...

Healthcare Survey

Hertfordshire and West Essex NHS Integrated Care Board would like to hear from anyone aged 65 and over, regarding the care and treatment they have received from the NHS over the last 12 months.  The short survey closes on the 5th December (tomorrow) and it is...
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