A huge thank you to the record number of volunteers who came along to the litter pick on 1 April.
Between them they collected 34 bags of rubbish (plus assorted larger items) and covered all the main areas of the village, including Station Road and Braintree Road, where the problem was at its worst. There were also additional groups who couldn’t make the day but headed out independenty to clean up their area of the Parish.
Everyone did a marvellous job but we want to give special thanks to Rosalind, who bravely tackled a ‘litter black spot’ near the Taylor Wimpey site at Watch House Green and to those who subsequently went along to help her.
The next pick will be on Saturday 21 October 2017. Please make a note in your diaries now.
Dog owners – Please use dog poo bags and dispose of them in the bins provided
In the last few months the PC has provided additional dog waste bins on Footpath 7 (past Whippersnappers Nursery near the Flitch Way), Footpath 55 (north east of Bury Farm) and at the Ravens Crescent Play Area. Dog walkers not picking up their pets poo is becoming an increasing problem in Felsted, as is the practise of leaving full dog poo bags hanging in hedgerows or on the ground. There is an extensive network of over 15 dog waste bins around the village and the PC would ask all dog owners to be considerate and ‘Pick up’ after their pets and dispose of the bags responsibly. We can then all enjoy the countryside without worrying about what we might step in.