The village litter pick held last Saturday was yet again a massive success.
It is sad that we need our volunteers, led by our Parish Clerk, Diane, to give their time to clear up the rubbish others decide to discard around our village.
However, need them we do. In just a few hours they collected 24 bags of rubbish plus a door, an 8′ long kitchen plinth and assorted pieces of broken car body panels.
Uttlesford District Council has also purchased 5 new vehicles to support two dedicated litter picking teams, who will operate throughout the District where there are trouble spots.
If you see people dumping litter, or fly tipping, please let us know, with as many details as it is safe to take. It is wrong that we should need volunteers to pick up rubbish, and even worse that our Council Tax should be needed to buy extra vehicles to clean up our villages after people who simply don’t care.