The Uttlesford Local Plan has now reached the final consultation stage before it is reviewed by the Government Inspector.

The full plan can be read here.

You can submit your comments here. The consultation closes at 5pm tomorrow, 13th August 2018.

The points which Felsted Parish Council believe are important are:


West of Braintree development

The proposal for a 13,000 house new town, straddling Uttlesford and Braintree districts, has been found unsound by the Government Inspector in his review of the Braintree District Local Plan (as part of the North Essex Garden Partnership). See our earlier news item here.

Despite this, Uttlesford (UDC) has decided to keep the smaller part of the proposed development in its plan. This would result in up to 3,500 houses being built in Uttlesford, to the north of Felsted, approximately 1000 of which would be in the current plan period.

Felsted Parish Council remains against this development, primarily due to the impact of traffic through Felsted, the lack of infrastructure and the lack of natural resources. We believe that it is unsustainable. 

House building in Felsted Parish

Felsted is identified as a type A village and is expected to accept  a share of the 14,000 planned houses for the coming 15 years. There are 2 sites identified by Uttlesford in our Parish for development in the plan period, totalling up to 70 houses. Full details can be read in the regulation 19 document on page 203 onwards.

Felsted is in the final stages of completing its Neighbourhood Plan which has been submitted to UDC for Pre-submission (Reg. 14) Consultation. This plan identifies 2 locations for the delivery of housing, which between them not only allocate 63 dwellings during the UDC Plan period, but also deliver important community facilities. Subject to the final version of the Neighbourhood Plan and the referendum decision, Felsted Parish Council would support the inclusion of these (and only these) sites in the Local Plan.

Stansted airport

Following our concerns that UDC’s position regarding Stansted airport was lacking in support for the communities impacted by the airport, your Parish Council has worked with our District Councillors to ensure that the Plan wording was more appropriate.

The Plan wording was rewritten and Felsted Parish Council s now calling for UDC to take an even stronger position to support the interests of communities overflown by planes, and in taking a clear position against any increase in night flights.

Remember, you have until 5pm tomorrow to submit your comments.

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