Readers of the Church magazine, Interface, will be aware that the editor is standing down. Without a replacement editor, the magazine is at risk of closing down.

The Parish Council wants to support the continued publication of Interface and so would encourage anyone interested in becoming the editor, or being part of an editorial team, to contact the existing editor or the Parish Clerk.

Longer term residents will remember the previous quarterly Parish Council Newsletter. This was produced progressively less frequently, until it finally stopped a few years ago. Although it was partially replaced by a new Parish website, with regular news items, we were conscious of the lack of printed news and so began a regular news page for Interface.

We have considered restarting the newsletter in the past and found no way forward, due primarily to the lack of a volunteer editor and of course the fact that we had Interface and the website.

The Parish Council wants to support the continuation of Interface or, if not possible, then consideration of a broader newsletter.

If you would like to learn more about the role of editor for Interface, or have ideas about a quarterly parish newsletter, as editor or as a part of an editorial team to share the work, then please contact the Parish Clerk

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