Further to our previous news item here, Stansted airport has now formally applied to increase passenger numbers to 43million, from the current level of ~24million.

Felsted Parish Council will be  making a submission calling for the airport to resolve the noise nuisance problems caused by the flightpath changes made in 2016, before undergoing any further expansion. To date the airport has made not a single proposal to mitigate the noise nuisance, nor has it responded to the 20 fold increase in noise related complaints.

The current application is also designed to come in at just under a level requiring central central government scrutiny. We will argue that this decision is too important to reside at UDC level, and must be referred to the Secretary of State for Transport.

We would urge all those impacted by the noise problems to do similar, every voice makes a difference and silence will only lead to an assumption that everyone is happy.


Uttlesford District Council has released the following announcement:


Proposed development at: Stansted Airport

I give notice that Stansted Airport Limited is applying the Uttlesford District Council for planning permission for  “Airfield works comprising two new taxiway links to the existing runway (a Rapid Access Taxiway and a Rapid Exit Taxiway)six additional remote aircraft stands adjacent Yankee taxiway); and three additional aircraft stands (extension of the Echo Apron) to enable combined airfield operations of 274,000 aircraft movements and a throughput of 43 million terminal passengers, in a 12-month calendar period”

That application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement.

Members of the public may inspect copies of the application at the Council Offices London Road Saffron Walden CB11 4ER during office hours 8.30am – 5pm Monday – Thursday and 8.30 – 4.30pm on Fridays until 13 February 2018 and online and online at www.uttlesford.gov.uk/airportapplication

Members of the public may obtain copies of the Environmental Statement from: Planning Department, Stansted Airport, Enterprise House, Bassingbourn Road, Essex, CM24 1QW at following charges:-  Electronic copy (USB) of full Environmental Statement £25.00, Hard Copy of Non-Technical Summary £10, Hard Copy of Environmental Statement £300.00

Anyone who wishes to make representations about this application should send them to Uttlesford District Council Council Offices London Road Saffron Walden CB11 4ER or make them online at www.uttlesford.gov.uk/airportapplication or by email to ku.vog.drofselttuobfsctd@noitacilppagninnalptropriadetsnats  by  3rd April  2018 Quoting reference UTT/18/0460/FUL. All representations must include the name and address of the person or organisation making the representation.

Signed: Gordan Glenday On behalf of Uttlesford District Council 22nd February 2018

The Council is presently considering the above planning application. The plans and any other documents accompanying the application may be viewed via the Council’s web site: www.uttlesford.gov.uk/airportapplication or inspected during normal office hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday; 9am to 4.30pm Friday) at: – The Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB11 4ER

Any comments you have about the application may be made on line using the above web site, emailed to ku.vog.drofselttuobfsctd@noitacilppagninnalptropriadetsnats  or may be sent to the above address by:-

3rd April 2018

Please note all comments made will be made public and will be posted on our website. Anonymous representations will not be accepted therefore please include your name and address including postcode.


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