The 12 month review of the change to Stansted flightpaths, which resulted in a doubling of flights over our parish, and a 10 fold increase in noise complaints, is happening now.

You can read the background to the changes through our previous news items, here.

We have written to the CAA to repeat our objection to the flightpath changes. We are calling for the review to reverse the flightpath changes and for mitigation to be introduced to more fairly share the noise burden.

You can read our letter here.

As always it is important for individuals to also shout loud and clear. We had a great response to the event held by Stansted airport in November, with Stansted’s feedback forms running out before the event was half way through.

This is our last opportunity to object to these changes. Don’t miss it.

You can write to the CAA, as we have done, or you can simply use the SSE form, here to have your say.

Just use the free write box in the SSE form to make your views clear and have your objection to the flightpath changes registered, so that we might have them reversed as part of the 12 month review.

Remember, in the coming months, Stansted airport is expected to apply for  a doubling of passenger numbers, so the flight noise will only increase if we do not get the changes reversed.

Not forgetting to also use the SSE form to complain about individual noisy planes, and to have your say about future night flights, here.

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