Thursday 25th June saw a strong turnout of representatives from a number of parish organisations ready to present to the judging team. The team was well marshalled and prepared thanks to Diane Smith, our Parish Clerk.
Present were:
- Cllr Graham Harvey (Chairman Felsted Parish Council)
- Cllr Andy Bennett (Felsted Parish Council)
- Diane Smith (Clerk to Felsted Parish Council)
- Rev Colin Taylor (Vicar of Holy Cross Church, Felsted)
- Richard Silcock (Chair of Felsted Events Committee and Primary School Governors)
- Roy Ramm (Chair of Felsted Neighbourhood Plan Group)
- Christine Middleton (Felsted W.I. and Felsted in Stitches Group)
- Catherine Gould (Felsted Playing Field Group)
- David Dempsey (Flower tubs and planting)
In our allotted hour, we gave a comprehensive presentation, followed by a walk in the sunshine through the village to the Games Area.
Now we have to wait and see how we have done in the competition. But, whatever the result, as finalists, Felsted should be proud.