July 1st UPDATE: the planning application was considered at the Uttlesford Planing meeting held on 29th June and was refused.

Cllr Chris Woodhouse spoke at the meeting on behalf of the council, proposing refusal.

We understand that there were a number of grounds on which the application was refused, not least of which was the number of objections received from residents.


May 26th UPDATE: the planning application will NOT now be considered on 1st June. We believe it will now be considered at the meeting on 29th June. However, we understand that the site visit will likely still go ahead on the morning of the 1st June.


Original news item:

The outline application for Land to the South of Braintree Road, Felsted for up to 55 dwellings, means of access and associated works, with all other matters (relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) reserved, can be read in detail here UTT/16/0287/OP.

Felsted Parish Council planning Committee discussed this at length, and has submitted an objection to the application. This can be read in detail here.

This application will be the subject of an Uttlesford District Council planning committee site visit and review, to be held on 1st June.

It must be understood that it is not allowed for any approach or representation to be made to any council member during the site visit. 

The time and place to make representation is at the Planning Committee meeting.

This link takes you to full details of the meeting and how you can have your say.

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