Applications are warmly invited to fill a vacant councillor position that has arisen on the Parish Council. The role of a Parish Councillor is to represent the interests of the whole community whilst taking an active role in the decision-making process.

The Parish Council needs people of all ages (18+), genders and backgrounds. No special qualifications are needed but a passion and commitment to people and the community are vital.

You are most welcome to call Heather Read, the Parish Clerk on 07719 552174 for an informal chat to find out more about what the role entails. Applications should be made in writing to the Parish Clerk by email at ku.vog.cp-detslefobfsctd-81ae78@krelc by Friday 28th June 24.

Please provide a short overview in support of your application such as any experience and or knowledge that you can bring to the role. Once appointed full training will be provided.

Contact: Clerk to Felsted Parish Council
Office: 07719 552174  Email:


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