Following the Public Meeting held on 9th May, the Neigbourhood Plan group has been busy analysing the data collected over the course of the past couple of months.

A list of nearly 500 post-it note suggestions left on the various stations throughout the hall have been boiled down to key statements for each of the seven core elements. The group will be compiling a more detailed report which will be published on the website and a detailed summary should appear in the Autumn Parish Newsletter.

If you visited the doctor’s surgery between 18th May and 2nd June you may have noticed that a specific survey was running there to gather information about the use of the surgery. This was designed to help asses the use of the surgery services and any associated traffic issues. Once again the group is now in the process of analysing almost 300 responses over the course of the two weeks. The results of this will also form part of the final report.

A further on-line survey, which comprises a series of 19 simple questions, and should take no more than a few minutes of your time to complete is now running.

Pleases follow this link to complete this survey:

The team appreciates that it may appear that they are conducting a lot of different surveys, but the consultation process is a vital part of any Neighbourhood Plan. We therefore need as many people participating and contributing as possible. Please take the time to complete the on-line survey, it is very much appreciated.

If you have any additional comments outside the remit of the on-line survey, which does include an optional free text comments box at the end, then please email them to ku.gro.pndetslefobfsctd-4c3ee0@tlusnoc.

If you did not attend the open day on 9th May or would like to say more under the seven topic headings you can still download and complete the ‘Setting the Agenda for Consultation’ pdf booklet from the surveys page of our website, here.

An open workshop is being held on Thursday 27th August at 2pm in the URC Hall to discuss the options identified from all contributions received so far under our ‘Historic Village Centre’ topic heading – all are welcome.

The Steering Group of
FELSTED Neighbourhood Plan


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