Felsted Parish Council has proposed the setting up of a Parish Youth Council for the village.

What is a Parish Youth Council?

A Youth Council is a democratic organisation created, run and developed by young people for young people, in order to represent the views of young people at a local level.

It gives young people the opportunity:

  • To have a voice.
  • To discuss relevant issues.
  • To engage with decision makers.
  • To contribute to improving the lives of other young people within their communities.

In many parishes, the Youth Council has responsibility for managing a part of the Parish Council’s budget where it is of particular relevance to young people.

Who are the members and how are they elected?

Typically, members are aged 14 to 18 years and will either live in the village or will be in education in the village, travelling from homes fewer than five miles away.

Initially a steering group of interested young people will be established who, with the help of an adult ‘champion’ will define:

  • What exactly the Youth Council should do.
  • Its responsibilities and its boundaries.
  • What should be the formal process for electing members.

Both the formation of the steering group and the election of members are likely to involve cooperation with the schools serving the village, ,parents and/or local youth groups.

How can you get involved?

If you are a young person interesting in getting involved, or are a parent and would like to understand more, please contact the Parish Clerk.

The Parish Council also hopes to contact students through their schools, so watch for notices and letters from us.

You can also learn more about Youth Councils from the Local Youth Council Network page of the British Youth Council website.

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