We have been contacted by Uttlesford Licensing authority regarding an application for a broad event licence for Felsted School.


  1. The application covers the whole Felsted School site and applies to films, live and recorded music, late night refreshments and alcohol (all both indoors and outside).
  2. Films – Between 08:00 and midnight Sunday to Wednesday and 08:00 to 01:00 (1am) Thursday to Saturday to cover summer outdoor events where the films would not commence until the sun has set.
  3. Live music – Between 08:00 and 23:00 Monday to Wednesday and 08:00 to midnight Thursday to Sunday.
  4. Recorded music – 08:00 to 23:00 Monday to Wednesday, 08:00 to midnight Thursday and Sunday, 08:00 to 02:00 (2am) Friday and Saturday.
  5. Late night refreshments – Up to 23:00 Monday to Wednesday, extending to midnight on Thursdays and Sundays and 02:00 (2am) on Friday and Saturdays.
  6. Alcohol – 11:00 to 23:00 Monday to Wednesday, 11:00 to midnight Thursday and Sunday and 11:00 to 02:00 (2am) Friday and Saturday.


The message from Uttlesford Licensing follows:

I am writing to advise you about a new premises application that we have received from Felsted School. The application is for the exhibition of films, live music, recorded music, late night refreshment and the supply of alcohol. The school has multiple buildings and outside spaces and they are applying to licence the whole site. The application can be viewed in full on our website. Links below:



The last day for public representations is Tuesday 3 September .

Any comments you wish to make must be made to Uttlesford Licensing, ku.vog.drofselttuobfsctd-4d70b7@gnisnecil.

Felsted Parish Council Planning Committee considered the application at their meeting on 20th August and will be objecting on the grounds of nuisance in a school and Conservation Zone area, citing the recent early morning noise nuisance from the Leavers’ Ball and asking that events be considered instead on a case by case basis.

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