The ‘Felsted News’ newsletter has been important to the Parish Council, enabling us to reach everyone  in the parish with news and information, especially those who are not online.

Produced 3 times a year, and delivered free to every household, ‘Felsted News’ is an A4 size, 4 page magazine style newsletter.

With the current editor, Alan Thawley, having moved away from the Parish after many dedicated years service as a councillor, we are now looking at options for the future, including working with Interface, the village church magazine.

Would you like to take on the role of ‘Felsted News’ editor?

Do you have some ideas about how we could produce Felsted News in the future?

Perhaps you have some ideas about how we can keep those not online up to date with what is happening in the Parish?

If you would like to have a chat about your ideas, or would like to find out more about this important role, please contact Diane Smith the Parish clerk or speak to one of your councillors.

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