The Felsted Neighbourhood Plan (NP) group are continuing to develop a robust Neighbourhood Plan for our Parish. The amount work they have undertaken should not be underestimated and they deserve our thanks and appreciation for stepping up to lead this essential task.

Critical to the success of the process is community involvement. The Parish Council urges all residents to take a little time to learn and read about the Plan and to provide feedback to the Group.

On 7 and 8 July the NP Group held 2 well attended Consultation Events at Felsted Primary School. Many thanks to the 160+ residents who were able to attend and provide feedback on all the policies within the Plan draft document.

If you were unable to attend, it’s not too late to find out what is being proposed and give us your feedback by visiting the NP website at

You can view all the documents presented at the Consultations (including a Summary if time is limited!) and watch a video of Roy Ramm, Chairman, explaining the background to the idea of a Community Hub.

The NP is an important document which will influence how Felsted looks and the services that are available in the village for the next 20 years. Please take the time to visit the website and then complete the short online smart survey (which only takes a few minutes) to let the NP Group have your thoughts and feedback.

Thank you


Diane Smith

Felsted NP Group

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