We are delighted to say that after over 5 years of work and some dispiriting setbacks, our Felsted Neighbourhood Plan finally passed the Referendum yesterday.

We have a Neighbourhood Plan!

The turnout for the vote for the plan was 754, or over 31% of the electorate. Of those that voted, 687 voted in favour of the Plan and 65 voted against (2 papers were spoilt). Over 91% of those that voted were in favour of the plan. We are really pleased that the result was so clear.

From now on, the Felsted NP will be a ‘material consideration’ for the Uttlesford District Council Planning Committee and for any Planning Appeals Inspector considering any planning application in Felsted.

The Parish Council, who have supported the Plan throughout, will now have its position strengthened.

We all owe a great debt of thanks to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

They have devoted thousands of hours of their time and have worked tirelessly for many years to bring this Plan to fruition for the benefit of our Community.

If you don’t know them, they are:

Roy Ramm (Chair)

Richard Freeman (Vice Chair)

Richard Silcock (Treasurer)

Diane Smith (Secretary)

Bill Miler

Margaret Attwood

John Moore

Nicholas Hinde

Dr Hywel Jones 

A simple thank you to you all on behalf of the Parish Council and the people of Felsted.

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