The following update has been received from Essex County Council regarding the Area Bus Review:

As you may recall Essex County Council carried out a countywide consultation over the spring to allow people to tell us what aspects of the bus network they valued and where areas for improvement might be. This consultation closed on 31st March. We are now able to publicise the results of the consultation which can be viewed by accessing the web link below.

In addition, you may recall we carried out a series of Area Review meetings across Essex during June and the beginning of July to assist with our network planning process. A copy of the presentation slides used at these meetings have also been added to the web link below, along with a copy of a document outlining alternative transport options that could be used (“How Transport Could be provided”) and copies of the strategy documents, recently approved by Cabinet.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for attending the meetings, and help to promote the public afternoon sessions. We are now collating the information we received during the Area Review meetings, and the afternoon public sessions and a further consultation will be carried out early Autumn.

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