The consultation process for the Braintree Local Plan closes this Friday, 19th August.
You can read our earlier news item here.
Felsted Parish Council has responded to the consultation, objecting to both the consultation process and to the proposal for the New Town to the north of Felsted.
You can read our responses against the process here, against point 2.1, and against the New Town here, under point 3.87 SP10. You can also read a pdf of our responses here.
The consultation document is potentially confusing as to where best to respond, so we suggest you concentrate on the opening introduction and the section detailing the New Town, as we have done.
When making your own submission, should you agree with the Parish Council, then you can use points we have made, but please do not copy our responses, since ‘cut and paste’ identical responses risk being discounted.
Remember, the search area for this New Town includes Gransmore Green and if approved will, over time, result in 13,000 houses being built, right to the edge of Felsted.
It is important that you have your say. The link to the consultation site is here.
You will need to register before responding, but this is an easy process.