Draft Local Plan Consultation

The Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Consultation will be available to view and comment on until 15th December 2023. Please follow this link to view the consultation: https://uttlesford-consult.objective.co.uk/kse/event/37646...

Waste Strategy for Essex Consultation

Essex County Council is asking for feedback and input on their new long-term draft Waste Strategy for Essex. This strategy which has been developed with the Essex Waste Partnership aims to ensure cost-efficient and sustainable waste management practices in the region....

Affinity Water Public Meeting

Following severe interruptions to the water supply in Felsted during June a public meeting has been arranged with Affinity Water. It will be held on Friday 13th October at 4.30pm in the URC Hall, Stebbing Road. CM6 3JD Affected members of the public are encouraged to...
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