Category Archives: news

Come along to see the Christmas tree light up on Saturday 3rd at 5:30: words to carols added

Following on from the great success of our decoration creation day we are delighted to say that the Felsted Xmas tree is now up in the centre of the village.

Please come along on Saturday 3rd at 5:30 to see the tree lit shortly after, admire the beautiful decorations made by the community and to start the festive season off with friends and family.

We are also reliably informed that a special visitor wearing red will be dropping by in his musical sleigh, so be sure to be there.

You can also download a song sheet for the carols which will be sung at the event here so you can sing along.


Essex Police Newsletter

We have been asked to make everyone aware of a new Essex Police Newsletter, which allows residents to keep up to date with what is happening in our area, alongside crime prevention tips.

To subscribe to the new digital newsletter please follow Essex Police – Uttlesford District Dispatch Newsletter

Kind regards

PCSO Natalie Smith 42081762

Great Dunmow

Uttlesford District


Essex Police Horse Rider Volunteer Scheme

Over the last few months, The Community Safety Partnership have been working on a new concept. As a result, the Essex Horse Rider Volunteers Scheme (EHRV)  is now ready to launch as a trial initially in Uttlesford, with a view to opening it up further within Essex in 2023.

The idea is simple, horse riders regularly use bridleways, footpaths and narrow country lanes that are not easily accessible by vehicles. They are in a unique position to spot signs of suspicious activity related to illegal activity such as hare coursing, stolen agricultural vehicles, unlawful metal detecting or theft of lead from protected heritage buildings .

Rural crime affects farms, livestock and wildlife and targets individuals and businesses connected to rural communities, This has significant impact. Horse Rider Volunteers can be the eyes and ears in the rural areas and will be encouraged to report any suspicious activity or behaviour they see.

Any horse riders in the Uttlesford District who are interested in learning more details can submit an expression of interest via the Essex Police Website:

Essex Horse Rider Volunteer Scheme | Essex Police

Alternatively, if you know of other people or groups who may be interested, please do forward this message. All interested parties will be invited to a Introduction event to learn more about the scheme and the suspicious activity they may come across. Introductions sessions will be held locally within Uttlesford throughout December, January and February.

If you have any questions at all please contact Kerry below.



Uttlesford Community Policing Team

North Local Policing Area

Essex Police

Saffron Walden Police Station

Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden CB11 4ER

( 101 ext 395351


Christmas Decoration Day: a great success

Saturday’s Christmas Decorations day, sponsored by the Parish Council, led by Councillors Roy Ramm and Richard Freeman, and held at the Memorial Hall, was a tremendous success, with double last year’s attendance!

Children wrote over sixty letters to Santa, painted over eighty slices of timber and dozens of pine cones from Felsted trees. They wrapped pounds of reindeer food, made scores of crackers, mini Christmas trees and crafted lovely Christmas cards.  They also managed to eat a fair few chocolate biscuits – provided by the helpers!

But days like this take weeks of planning, shopping for materials and setting up the event.

The team started dressing the Memorial Hall at 10 am.  The doors opened at 1pm and we finally saw the last set of sticky fingers leave at about 4:50pm.  Then the big clear-up kicks off. We have to leave the hall as we found it: spotless!

So by around 6:30 we turned out the lights.

On behalf of the Parish Council, Richard Freeman and Roy Ramm would like to thank all involved. In particular we thank Hope and Ann Alexander (Elf and mum), Janet Johnson (Crafting Queen extraordinaire) Carol Freeman, Janet Ramm, Dawn, Suzie, Gill and Ola all for doing their bit!  A special thanks also to Martin from Falcon Tree Services who produced beautiful thin slices of Felsted timber.”


Uttlesford Building Design Code

Following on from the earlier workshops held by Uttlesford District Council, they will be hosting more Design Code workshops this year that anyone can attend and contribute to:

Details will be posted on the website at and emailed to anyone who has registered for updates.

Please note, the online workshop will now be open to the wider public, rather than only Community Stakeholder Forum members, to widen the engagement.


If you haven’t yet shared your views, you can still do so on our Uttlesford Design Code website:

We still have two surveys running that residents can take part in:

Survey 1 – Help us understand what’s unique about Uttlesford:

Survey 2 – Leave your feedback on the emerging vision for Uttlesford and the aspects of a new place that you think are most important for the code to consider:

Good quality existing places
At the meeting on the 22nd October, examples of good quality existing places were requested.
The first port of call for this would be the Uttlesford Building for a Healthy Life document, which contains some good design in Uttlesford and can be found here:
Further to this, here are some other schemes which have some good design features:

Oakfield, Swindon 4:30mins


Uttlesford Urban Design codes for new building: workshop day

We have been asked by UDC to publicise a workshop day to discuss the setting out of the Uttlesford Design Code. This will be a planning document used by local people, planning officers and developers in the preparation and assessment of planning applications for new development. The aim will be to improve the design quality of new developments in the district.

The event is on:

Saturday 22 October 2022 – St Mary’s Parish Church, Saffron Walden CB10 1JP 

The purpose of the day will be to share the aims and ambitions of the Design Codes and to hear feedback from across the district. Workshops will discuss the buildings, places and landscapes that create Uttlesford’s distinctive character and how these could inspire how future developments should be designed. UDC will also report back on what local people have said so far.

Activities include:

  • All-day drop-in exhibition
  • Coach tour with local architect and historian Mike Hibbs (free, booking essential) 9am-1pm
  • Presentation and workshop discussion 2pm-5pm

Please sign-up on Eventbrite for the coach tour so UDC understand how many people are attending: Uttlesford Design Code – Workshop , Exhibition and Coach Tour Tickets, Sat 22 Oct 2022 at 09:00 | Eventbrite





Unfortunately, our usual professional delivery company were unable to deliver the Autumn edition of the FOCUS.
This issue was delivered by a small team of community volunteers who worked amazingly hard to visit over 1100 homes in the Parish.
We hope we didn’t miss anyone and you received your copy through your letter box.
If you didn’t receive your FOCUS, additional copies are available in Linsells.
You can also download a copy here.