Category Archives: news

Uttlesford ‘Call for Nature’ environmental planning

To protect the much-loved green spaces from development in Uttlesford, the District Council (UDC) is asking residents to help map environmentally important areas.

The ‘Call for Nature’ is part of the Uttlesford Local Plan project to devise new planning policy in the district. UDC wants to hear from residents, children and schools, nature groups and the many people who regularly walk our countryside.

Be environmentally aware & help UDC to map our rich and varied wildlife.

The council also hopes some of these sites will benefit from extra funding and expertise in future.

Residents can contribute online here.

Cllr Louise Pepper
Uttlesford District Council
Great Dunmow North Ward
Environmental Green Issues & Equality


New defibrillator in Willows Green

We are pleased to let everyone know that, following the installation of a defibrillator in the old telephone box at Willows Green, new book shelves have also been installed.

The box has been re stocked with books and has reopened as a hybrid defibrillator/book box.


Invicta Academy free lessons

We have been asked to pass on this important message regarding Children’s education:

Children have missed over 1 BILLION school days during the pandemic, and we must do everything we can to help them catch up. Essex County Council has teamed up with Invicta National Academy to provide free daily lessons throughout the summer.

Register here


Parish Paths Partnership group

Our community owes a great deal to a band of hard working volunteers led by Diane Shepherd.

We have miles of valuable footpaths crossing our parish and they need constant maintenance. Several cross-field paths have been beautifully cut this year.  A big thank you to those farmers.

Whilst some  landowners work hard to keep footpaths clear, it is the P3 group who replace markers, clear brambles and make sure paths are passable.

The group always walk Felsted paths on Monday mornings, meeting at 10am in the Car Park.  This enables them to identify where work needs to be done.  They are always careful to check for nesting birds before undertaking remedial work.

They were finally able to get a work party together to do some much needed work a few weeks ago, clearing the footpath on the far side of Felsted Mill.

They also cleared around the fingerpost on Mill Road.  This was very hard work and Diane would like to record her thanks to those volunteers who assisted.


Reporting Anti-Social Behaviour

We have been receiving an increasing number of comments from residents regarding anti-social behaviour in their community. If you experience problems then:

  • Noise issues should be reported to Environmental Health at Uttlesford District Council using this link or by calling  01799 510482 /  01799 510510
  • Anti Social Behaviour & underage drinking to Home | Essex Police either online via the tell us about or call 101 AND also to Uttlesford District Council’s Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) Team: 01799 510510 (ask to speak to an ASB officer)

This is a link to a Noise Information Pack

In particular the pack stresses that Out of Hours (OOH) noise should only be reported when the noise is occurring and NOT when the noise incident has ceased. The OOH service can be contacted on 01799 510510 from 6pm – 8am Monday to Friday and all day Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. Residents will be redirected to an answering service where they can leave a message providing specific details of the issue together with their name and contact details.


Solar Farm proposal for Felsted

An application for a new solar farm is being considered by Uttlesford District Council.

The following image showing the outline of the site, from Willows Green in the south to Bartholomew Green. It is from a full presentation, which can be downloaded here.

The applicants, with Uttlesford District Council, have promised to engage with the Parish Council and the community as the proposal is finalised, and we will have the opportunity to comment on the planning application when submitted.




Notice is hereby given that a vacancy has occurred in the office of Parish Councillor for the above Parish arising from the resignation of Peter Rose.

An election to fill the vacancy will be held if notice in writing of a request for such an election is made by ten Local Government electors for the electoral area and received by the Returning Officer, Uttlesford District Council, Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4ER, by not later than Tuesday 1 June 2021.

If an election is not requested by ten Local Government electors, the vacancy will be filled by the Parish Council as soon as practicable after the expiry of the date referred to above.

Dated this 11th day of May 2021

Ms H Read
Clerk to Felsted Parish Council
URC Hall
Stebbing Road


Essex County Council funding for home energy efficiency improvements

We have been asked to circulate the below information by Essex County Council:

A grant of up to £10,000 from Essex County Council is available for energy efficiency improvements to help make your home more cosy this winter.

Making your home more energy efficient will help save you money on future energy bills.

Are you a homeowner with a combined household income below £30,000 and an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, F, or G?

If you answered yes to the above, you could be eligible for free local authority funding of up to £10,000 to install energy efficiency measures in your home.

Our trusted partner, Aran Insulation, will assess your eligibility, carry out a survey on your home and complete the installation.
This funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis and all work must be completed by 30 June 2021.
Check your eligibility and apply today or call Aran Insulation on 0800 587 7795 or 01284 812 520 to avoid missing out.
