Located in north-west Essex and with a population of around 3,000, the Parish of Felsted has at its heart the historic village of Felsted, surrounded by Greens and Hamlets, in a beautiful rural setting.
Felsted retains the underlying charm and attraction of a rural parish, with the community and village at its heart. This is what attracts people to the area and what we as the Parish Council see as our historic duty to protect. Preservation of our heritage is balanced with a duty to ensure that the Parish thrives and meets the future needs of our community.
Winner of RCCE Village of the Year 2015
“One of the best places to live in the East of England” – The Sunday Times (2013)
Green Waste Collections
Felsted Parish Council will continue funding weekly Green Waste collections in 2025.
The collections will take place on Bannister Green from 8.30-9.30 am every SUNDAY morning between 2 March and 30 November 2025 (inclusive).
Planning Committee Meeting – Rescheduled
Felsted Parish Council has rescheduled the January Planning Committee Meeting which was due to take place online on Tuesday 14th January at 6pm.
It will now take place online on Tuesday 21st January at 6pm.
Please contact the Assistant Clerk (ku.vog.cp-detslef @krelctssa) if you need any further information about the meeting or would like a link to attend.