Grant awarding policy

Felsted Parish Council Grant awarding policy proposal

Felsted Parish Council has statutory powers to make funds available to local organisations for the overall benefit of Felsted and its residents.

This document outlines Felsted Parish Council’s guidelines for grant making. It also formalises the application process to ensure access, openness and fairness to the groups and organisations we aim to support.

We will ensure that our grant making activity is fair and transparent, and supports

strategic priorities identified in our Neighbourhood and Parish plans, and issues facing Felsted.


General information for applicants

It is Felsted Parish Council’s intention (subject to budget restrictions and available resources) to support initiatives from local community groups and organisations.

Who is eligible to apply?

The following organisations may apply to Felsted Parish Council:

  • A Felsted based charity
  • An organisation serving the needs of the residents of Felsted
  • Resident(s) of Felsted requesting grant aid with a project/event, which will be for the benefit of the local community
  • A Felsted based club/association/charity serving a specific section of the community or the community as a whole
  • A local branch of a regional or national organisation/group which serves the needs of the residents of Felsted.


Who and what is not eligible to apply

We will normally reject applications from:

  • Projects which are the prime statutory responsibility of other government bodies or would normally be funded by a local or regional authority
  • Projects which improve or benefit privately owned land or property
  • Support for individuals or private business projects
  • Applications by “for – profit” commercial organisations
  • Projects which have already been completed or will have been by the time the grant is issued
  • Applications for grants in respect of ongoing expenditure or revenue running cost
  • From regional and national organisations unless it can be clearly demonstrated that the grant would be used specifically for the residents served by Felsted Parish Council
  • From organisations with political affiliations or those established for the purpose of forwarding a party political agenda


What can be funded?

The project should be something that makes the local community a better place to the social, environmental and /or economic profile of Felsted. Priority will be given to those applications which add value over applications for running costs.

Projects demonstrating a proportion of self-funding will be favourably considered.


Level of funding

This process is intended to support organisations in small projects, typically below £250. There is no lower limit. A request for £20 will be given as detailed consideration as one for £250.


The following are unlikely to be considered a grant priority

  • Projects where there is a large shortfall in the funding needed required to complete the project or
  • Projects where the amount of the grant would be a very small part of the overall cost of the project
  • Projects that simply replace existing facilities with no significant improvement


Conditions of grant

  • Felsted Parish Council support must be acknowledged as appropriate on all publicity and promotional material including posters, advertisements, press releases and leaflets.
  • Financial support can be only be used for the purpose for which the grant is given.
  • Grants must not be distributed to any other organisation.
  • Proof of appropriate spend shall be provided to Felsted Parish Council if requested.
  • Should a project be cancelled for example, or the funds, or part of, not be required, then any surplus grant funds must be returned
  • Unless part of the objective of the event was specifically to raise funds for a community project, should an overall “profit” result from an event, the original grant money is to be returned


Applications should be submitted in writing (letter, email or use of FPS website enquiry form) to:

The Clerk. FPC.

The application should detail:

  • The organisation requesting support
  • The amount requested, along with details of any funding sourced elsewhere and when the money is required
  • The project for which the money is sought, including any relevant areas which might support your application under the decision making criteria listed below


Decisions will be based on the following criteria 

  • General eligibility
  • Impact on key local need
  • Community support
  • Value for money
  • Environmental impact
  • Community involvement
  • Feasibility
  • Likely effectiveness



Applications will be reviewed at each monthly scheduled meeting of the Finance Committee and the applicant advised of the decision as soon as possible after the meeting.